It was nearly 80 degrees today. HA!
The trip down was a bit harrowing. It turns out Illinois doesn't have any trees, so although they plowed the roads quite effectively, huge snow drifts would come off the miles of fields and suddenly you've gone from perfect driving conditions to half a foot of snow. It was...worse than it sounds. We counted at least a dozen cars in the ditches, two of them upside-down. It was pretty grand. Fortunately the further south we went the easier the drive was, and we were out of it in just a few hours. We drove for about 12 hours the first day, and we were going to try to make it all the way to Little Rock but ultimately decided to pull off a little early after the following exchange:
Me: Is this the exit we want?
Lizett: You mean...through the guard rail?
Me: What?
Lizett: Honey, there's no exit here.
Me: What?
So apparently 12 hours on the road is my limit--after that I start to hallucinate. We stopped at a totally sweet Holiday Inn in Arkansas with a torn sign and an actual mangy dog tied to a lamp post outside. I chewed on straw and said y'all a lot and Lizett didn't roll her eyes or anything.
Day 2 was uneventful.
The job is going to be good I think! It's a big culture shift from my old office, it's just 7 or 8 guys about my age and it's all results based instead of service based, meaning I don't necessarily need to keep regular office hours, I just need to get my work done. And no ties! In fact, everyone else was wearing shorts and t-shirts today, so...I guess I should buy some shorts and t-shirts.
The only weird thing is there are no lights. I mean, you can have a lamp at your desk or something, and some guys do, but they leave the overhead lights off. Even weirder, when I asked about it, no one seemed to think it was unusual. "What, you like the lights on?" I thought they might have been messing with me at first, then I thought they might be vampires, but finally concluded that they are just firmly and passionately opposed to harsh fluorescent light. Whatever, I don't have be in until 10.
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3:58 PM, February 27, 2007
Tried and true, my friend. Tried and true.
5:03 PM, February 27, 2007
10:51 AM, February 28, 2007
I'm going to go eat some Oreos.
12:05 PM, February 28, 2007
1) Water flows downhill
2) Payday is every Friday
3) Don't chew your fingernails
8:55 PM, February 28, 2007
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