New Neighbors
We met the new neighbors. I had just finished helping some Craigslist dudes move our appliances out of the house, so I was sweaty, breathing heavily, hair exploded, and wearing "work" jeans which feature so many holes that the pocket liners pretty much swing free. I think I made a good impression. "Hey Gayle, met the new neighbors! The husband was a greasy, wild-haired mouth breather who was basically wearing no pants and a shirt that said Probation Fest. I think maybe he just got out of prison? Nice guy."
That's right, I still wear the shirt.
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In fact, that was the shirt when I ran into Lucky. I was just walking down the streets of Chicago, minding my business when I hear "I was there!!!! Oooose!!" Crazy ass girl....
8:59 AM, August 25, 2009
11:20 AM, August 25, 2009
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