Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Summer In The Bend

I love summer in the Bend. I can ride my bike to work every day. I don't have to iron my shirts. I don't have to wear a jacket or a tie to work. I get off at 4:30 every day. The whole campus is green and meticulously maintained to accommodate the ten million tour groups wandering around. I never have to wait for a bench at Rolfs. I grill out 3 or 4 times a week, and it's still light out after dinner. It's light out when I wake up in the morning too--not that I'm any better at getting to work on time, but the sunlight makes it significantly easier to only be a few minutes late. Summer = smooth belly jismatastic. Skittles and rainbows. Let's all hold hands and sing a camp song.

Here's something I hate: internet buffoons who constantly type in broken leetspeak. Not the adolescents who actually think they're doing something cool--it's their job to think they are awesome and witty. I hate the chumps who's mockery of poorly executed leetspeak is so constant that they feel they must include "You are teh sux0rs! PWN3D!!!11!!1" in every single blog entry or message board post, thinking this to be the height of hilarity. It seems that in every other internet discussion, no matter what the subject, there are 72 morons racing to see who can be the first one to misspell "the" as "teh" or mix their exclamation points with ones. Oh man, I hate you so much I could punch your mom. But only if she's really old. I also hate people who complain about trivial things. And I hate irony! Yep, stole that from Bill Brasky. Suck it!

Hey, remember that night when Stitch kept rewarding me with more beer every time I said something foolish or offensive? Of course you don't, there were only like 3 of us there. But it was teh hawt!!11!1! See? Annoying as hell. Please leave my mom out of this.

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