Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Just Give Me A Chance To Do A Hip Hop Dance!

I finally went to Club 23. It wasn't quite the hole everyone had led me to believe it was. It wasn't exactly the Philadelphia Library Lounge (oh yes, I typed "famous bars" into answers.com for that nugget) but neither was it the Backer. It's also the only bar I've ever been to where it seems to be standard practice to play drinking games. The bartender had decks of cards back there available for the asking. Weird. It was pretty fun though, and I got to enjoy it for a good hour longer than intended, as my ride skipped out around 10:30 to do "paperwork" for her ex.

Abby and her chatty manfriend came to ritas last night, so if anyone has been wondering how Tannen is doing: she's AOK. Nice to see her. Kel prepared for her scheduled tutoring session with her bro by downing 3 big dogs, which, even for a woman of her immense girth, is impressive. Gloria hatched a plan to cover her car in discarded trash, and Hoover made 73 Simpsons references. Hoover's roommate Katie looked upon us with an expression which strongly suggested she doesn't find us nearly so amusing as we find ourselves. Rob threw tiny bits of lettuce about the table. Joell threatened me with a knife, and Jani drank her meal. I peed at least 8 times. Ball, of course, spilled queso on himself.

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