Thursday, April 19, 2007

It's Official

We're moving out. Some girls are subleasing from us for the summer so we're moving to more distant but much swankier lodgings. I guess this kind of shatters my Extreme Convenience argument for moving in with Lizett pre-marriage, but too late now, suckers! So I guess I won't be able to walk to work any more, which sucks, but on the plus side I no longer need to fear death from the mold slowly eating through my bathroom ceiling nor whatever small woodland creature is slowly chewing through the insulation. Instead we're going to replace these threats with a small domesticated creature slowly eating through all our food stores, furniture, and possessions--we're getting a puppy! Well, probably a dog. The place we're moving is pet friendly (which is in fact the entire reason we're moving in the first place), but they're not so big on dogs under 6 months, and despite our ridiculously flexible schedules I don't think we'd be home quite enough to accommodate a real hyperactive-peeing-everywhere-constantly-needing-attention puppy. Other perks include:

1) Full size washer dryer--I have taken this for granted my whole life and have only recently discovered the enormous inconvenience of having to do all your laundry at once, in another location, at the cost of dozens upon dozens of quarters.

2) Balcony--this is where steaks are made.

3) Study--currently we only have a living room and a bedroom, so when Lizett wants to get some work done things can feel a little crowded.

4) A kitchen that isn't small and awful.

5) Pool, fitness center, all the amenities of a complex not built in the 1800s directly across from campus.

6) Etc.

Session 2 of Pre-Cana tonight!

And a retroactive Happy Birthday to Mothball is in effect for 4/18/2007.

Also--today it's officially less than 4 months until I'm married! Lizett noted this fact yesterday and made a noise that sounded like "EeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEE!"

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Anonymous Anonymous said...
Oh hurts everywhere.....I hate shots. Unless they have delicious oysters in them. Christmas in April for the bars indeed....pretty sure we dropped several hundred last night across town.

2:53 PM, April 19, 2007  

Blogger Mal said...
Haha, Berger and her severe diarrhea. Classic.

Also, if you're not Ball don't read the preceding sentence.

3:12 PM, April 19, 2007  

Anonymous Anonymous said...
dude, the balcony is also where babies are made. think about it ;-)

12:54 PM, April 25, 2007  

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