Monday, April 02, 2007

Extra Buttery

I bought this Plugra butter to make Fettucini Alfredo for Lizett Friday night. It's higher in butterfat than regular butter so you don't have to add cream to make the sauce saucy, or some such. I don't know, the recipe said Plugra. The point is, I figured--butterier butter? I can't lose! So I bought some extra, and today when I went home for lunch I decided to test it out in some Mac&Cheese.

I've made a huge mistake. It was--by a wide margin--the butteriest thing I have ever tasted, and I once ate a big tub of Country Crock. Not, mmmmm-oh-it's-so-buttery-and-delicious buttery--not even close. I wanted to vomit then and I want to vomit now. Have you ever burped and tasted butter? God, I feel like it's seeping into my pores. I need one of those tongue scrapers or something. Oh God. Oh my God.

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Blogger Lizett! said...
I think my esophagus is permanently buttered. Blech.

3:02 PM, April 02, 2007  

Blogger Mal said...
I think I'm actually sweating butter. It can't be more than 65 in here but for some reason my heart is pumping at 240bpm.

3:07 PM, April 02, 2007  

Anonymous Anonymous said...
whimp. I used to get those dining hall grill cheeses - the ones they used paint rollers to lather in butter - and dip them in Alfredo sauce... and that was an appetizer.

6:42 PM, April 02, 2007  

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