Thursday, March 29, 2007


Last night's Lost was particularly awesome because:
  1. It had Lando Calrissian as himself
  2. It was Hurley-heavy
  3. The writers managed to:
    • Illustrate via Paulo's bathroom run that they do in fact have some minimum level of foresight and are not just drunkenly stumbling from episode to episode
    • Acknowledge that the extras on the island have lives and stories of their own while simultaneously acknowledging that no one, including the other characters on the island, cares even a little bit
    • Introduce the possibility that previously unseen extras have been making important discoveries of their own on the island so it's not out of left field when Chumpy McNobody pipes up with some huge plot altering revelation a few episodes out
    • Off Nikki and Paulo

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Anonymous Anonymous said...
Did they really off Nikki and Paulo though? Or will they spring from the beach in some glorious, albeit weird, manner? ............ Yeah you're probably right, that whole eye opening thing was probably just to show that Hurley and Sawyer killed them by smothering them with sand after their paralized asses regained themselves.

8:58 AM, April 02, 2007  

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