Monday, April 30, 2007

CancelaciĆ³n de la Boda

So, the wedding is postponed due to an anticipated scabies outbreak in Houston this summer. For reals. I know I contacted a number of people requesting address information and such so I wanted to use this highly reliable method of disseminating information to spread the word that I do not in fact hate you just because an invitation is not forthcoming. Blah. We haven't set a new date yet but barring some sort of city wide chigger infestation we're tentatively figuring on early next summer. Sorry Mothball, this is merely a postponement, so you neither get the $1000 nor the opportunity to kick me full on squa in the nuts as per our May 2006 Hooters agreement.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...
Holy crap I totally forgot all about that. I don't even exactly recall what the bet was...but I do recall something about $1000 and kicking someone in the nuts....hmmm.....

On topic, this means you'll probably get more guests since you won't be competing with Jess Boehm anymore for wedding attendees....unless she too postpones to next summer due to some BS excuse about herpes or something....ha ha....herpes....

2:14 PM, April 30, 2007  

Blogger E. Luther said...
What kind of person anticipates a Scabies outbreak and then doesn't prevent it? Shocking.

7:49 PM, May 04, 2007  

Anonymous Anonymous said...
His name is Stevil after all. Besides, a scabies outbreak would be hilarious - especially if you have prior knowledge of it... and personal amusement trumps all, including the public welfare.

4:23 PM, May 05, 2007  

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Ya know somethin'? Theoretically marriage is supposed to be for keeps. Social conventions be damned, a person should be truly ready b/4 entering into such a serious commitment. I don't understand the huge rush anyway...

7:51 PM, May 05, 2007  

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