Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Meet Claire Deborah!

Oh man, that is one adorably bundled up little newborn. I think I'm going to drive home to see her this weekend--I'm heading home for break next Friday anyway, but why wait? There's a baby to be held! Awkwardly. Ohhhhh so awkwardly. I'm not so good with the babies, I was so nervous with Gwen that I had to sit in a big cushiony chair, position my arms into a stiff and awkward cradle, and have them lower her onto me. And that was when she was like 2 months old.

Give me a break, I'm the youngest. It was the first time I've ever held a baby. On the plus side, I'm celebrating my 26th year of having never changed a diaper and still going strong! So anyway--she's mad cute. Yeah mad...I'm bringing it back.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...
My god you do look awkward in that picture. Almost like you were trying to flex and then a baby plopped into your arms. Mad awesome.

10:30 AM, December 14, 2006  

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