Friday, December 15, 2006

¡Aiiii, Mis Rodillas!

Soñaba que La Pelota tiene dolor en sus rodillas...en español. Only at the time I had the dream I didn't know what the word for knees was, so I guess my subconscious must have invented some generic term. Ai, mis knees-o-litos! Why was I dreaming about Ball's knees hurting in Spanish? Jesús Billy! The explanation would only blow your mind!

I headed out to Meijer yesterday in search of an ND umbrella, sadly without success, and while I was there I thought I'd pick up an air compressor for Swarles, but it turns out the only compressor they had with a built-in gauge was itself shaped like a tiny little tire, treads and all. What the crap is that? Filling up a tire with another tiny little tire? Sure I can get air flowing in the event of an emergency, but I'm going to look like a douche doing it. I think I'm actually more scared of having to use that thing in public than I am of driving on a bad tire. In a fit of madness I bought it anyway, but God set things right--take it out, plug it in, flip on the switch, and Jesús Billy! The air hose has exploded right off the valve attachment! Aiiii! Jimmy John's! Let this be a lesson to all who would purchase a $10 novelty air compressor. Ho did that so hopefully you won't have to go through that. What an awesome story. Yes, I'm ho.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...
Poo-sha I say unto you. At least you don't have to keep dumping oil into your car like some kind of american car owning nascar fan. It's horrible I tell you, and the dealership actually expects me to do this every 800 miles - all the hedge fund people in my building look on with sorrow and contempt as they drive by in their monkey-butler driven Germanic automobiles while I go through this undignified routine. I shall use my one experience, and not the bazillions of people who have Civics and Accords that last longer than something that lasts a really long time like yourself or my special lady friend, and declare all Honda and Acura products total poop.

11:27 PM, December 15, 2006  

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