I had a horrible nightmare last night where Robot Ray Liotta and his robot cronies kept killing me and various people I know at Threesome's Putt Putt Golf & Games. Either I too was a robot or I was stuck in some sort of time loop because every time they killed me, I'd be back to the beginning again. The only way to even get a head start on the Liotta-bots was to sink a hole-in-one, known as a Threesome, I think because if I managed to do that only Ray and two cronie-bots would chase me down the steps, and then if I got away from them there'd be a new robot threesome shooting at me on every successive floor. It was a winding staircase and the only way to beat the bullets was to just jump down the middle, and then I'd break my legs. If I managed to get outside to the ally, they'd inevitably blow up my car--the Ford POS from Men In Black--before I got in. It sounds ludicrous but it was freaking scary and I apparently whipped around and kicked Lizett right in the ass at 3:30 in the morning. She was pissed. Real pissed.
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1:59 PM, June 25, 2007
2:02 PM, June 25, 2007
5:29 PM, June 25, 2007
9:36 AM, June 26, 2007
12:56 PM, June 27, 2007
1:36 PM, June 27, 2007
11:27 PM, June 27, 2007
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