Monday, June 25, 2007


I had a horrible nightmare last night where Robot Ray Liotta and his robot cronies kept killing me and various people I know at Threesome's Putt Putt Golf & Games. Either I too was a robot or I was stuck in some sort of time loop because every time they killed me, I'd be back to the beginning again. The only way to even get a head start on the Liotta-bots was to sink a hole-in-one, known as a Threesome, I think because if I managed to do that only Ray and two cronie-bots would chase me down the steps, and then if I got away from them there'd be a new robot threesome shooting at me on every successive floor. It was a winding staircase and the only way to beat the bullets was to just jump down the middle, and then I'd break my legs. If I managed to get outside to the ally, they'd inevitably blow up my car--the Ford POS from Men In Black--before I got in. It sounds ludicrous but it was freaking scary and I apparently whipped around and kicked Lizett right in the ass at 3:30 in the morning. She was pissed. Real pissed.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...
Sweet Billy that was awesome. My eyes are still watering from laughing so hard...

1:59 PM, June 25, 2007  

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Also hilarious is the fact that I refresh your page so much that I noticed the two corrections/edits made to this post in the last five minutes....

2:02 PM, June 25, 2007  

Blogger Goat said...
Ball apparently isn't working very hard to finish up that PhD. Just like I'm not working very hard to earn lots of money. They just give it to me.

5:29 PM, June 25, 2007  

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Damn it Goat....I hate you. Why won't anyone offer me a job to make lots of money? And I am working hard. All I have to do this week for my defense on Thursday is practice my presentation and continue looking for work.

9:36 AM, June 26, 2007  

Blogger Vnak said...
We're looking to hire a copy clerk for our supply room. No windows, no cube. Just you and copy machine and a computer. I think it would be a good start to your career.

12:56 PM, June 27, 2007  

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I hate you Vnak....

1:36 PM, June 27, 2007  

Blogger Rocky said...
You're not supposed to drink the bong water, steve-o

11:27 PM, June 27, 2007  

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