Friday, December 02, 2005

Beaten By An Infant--What Could Be More Humiliating?

Every time I hear Believe by Yellowcard, I end up thinking about how awesome firemen are for like 3 hours. I hope that if I ever have to go out early, it's doing something half as sweet as rushing into a burning building, instead of something lame like falling down an open manhole or getting mauled by a raccoon. To be fair, cops are pretty sweet too, but have you ever heard of a corrupt firefighter? Not me, all I've ever heard of are burly mustachioed beastmen busting shit up with axes before totally saving someone's ass.

There were a bunch of women talking in the office this morning about flowers. "Well, Jimmy took Johnny out to buy Suzy flowers for their big date, and while he was out he got me flowers too! Can you believe it? FLOWERS!!" What's so great about flowers? You can't do anything with them. They die in like 2 days. You know what I got Kel last time I was out and thinking of her? House Season 1 on DVD and some Peeps. Tell me I am not one romantic son of a bitch!

Kel and I met with our first potential wedding photographer last night. Obviously we have nothing to compare to, but we were both pretty happy with his stuff. He's a Notre Dame employee as well and does a ton of Basilica weddings, so it might be nice to have someone who knows his way around.

I mentioned writing about the ridiculous cuteness of my nieces, but a picture is worth 1000 words, so booya--BEHOLD THEIR RADIANCE!

I've never even been around babies before these two, so my head explodes every time I see them. One awesome thing I'm finding out about babies is that everything you do around them is comedic gold. Open your mouth real wide? Hilarious. Peek out from behind a plant? Hilarious! Do a little dance? Total loss of bladder control hilarious!! Or whatever the equivalent is for babies, I guess bladder control isn't really their thing to begin with. Another thing I've learned is that babies are remarkably strong, for babies. Gwen got hold of my hair or my ear a couple times and MAN, she's got a grip. Proportionally, she's probably the strongest being on earth. If she were my size she could crush bowling balls like you or I knead pizza dough. She also clocked me in the face when she was trying to grab my dome necklace, and while I can't claim her swings are as impressively powerful as her grip, it was definitely the cutest punch in the face of all time.

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Blogger steven_berry said...
Now what's really funny, is if you take the sentence about your head exploding literally. Which I am doing right now, and imagining it. Hahahaha. Thank you for improving my evening.

7:03 PM, December 02, 2005  

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