Monday, October 03, 2005

It's 49-21, Sweetheart

Haha, suck it Holly Rowe! You've been totally belittled on national television! About the time you publicly posed the question of whether the Notre Dame mascot is a real leprechaun, I started to abstractly hope the hammer would be dropped upon you, and it seems Ron Franklin was just the man to swing it. I also enjoyed Bob Davie calling out that big fat guy for being big and fat. Take that, jerk! Apparently! Anyway, super sweet game. That first superman catch by Samardzija caused a welcome explosion of excitement and spittle, and then the rest was smooth sailing. I enjoy the occasional beat-down, especially when I'm watching the game on TV. In the stadium, I prefer a close game no matter who we're playing--you're there, you're pumped, you're cheering, you want the excitement of uncertainty--but once in a while on TV I just like to sit back, pop open an IBC, and watch some chumps get dismantled.

Only something went wrong. I picked up my IBC in the rootbeer section at Martin's. It came in a rootbeer box. The bottle said rootbeer on it. But then I took a swig and BAM! Cream soda. Needless to say it was the worst day of my life.

Lots of alumni swinging through in the coming weeks. Hesler and Kimlinger this weekend--I think they're pretty much just doing wedding stuff, but we'll definitely have to make time for a few at the bar formerly known as Coach's. Vnak, Katie, and Lizett are in for USC, Megan for BYU, Jism, Lauren, Dave, Ben, and Amy Pawlowicz for Tennessee, Stitch for Navy. I'm aroused.

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Blogger Lizett! said...
Did you know that Nicolas Cage named his new son Kal-el after Superman's birth name on Krypton? What a tool.

But I bet Jerry Seinfeld is secretly wishing he had had a boy so he could have done it first.

4:06 PM, October 03, 2005  

Blogger ndNips said...

4:38 PM, August 31, 2006  

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