Friday, October 28, 2005


I ducked over to LaFun a couple hours ago for a late lunch, and ran into Travis at the huddle. "Hey Mal" he said, gesturing at the dining area, "your roommate's drunk." Cut to Ball, grinning: "We went to CJs for lunch!" Haha, ahhhhh to be a student again!

Wait...I just did that exact same thing like 3 weeks ago. Ahhhhh, to be 3 weeks ago!

This weekend is sizing up to be pretty relaxed--or "chillaxed" if you're "down" with the latest "hip-hop jive." No game, and Kel will be studying like a mofo for her biggest test of the year on the 31st. I had hatched a madcap scheme to fly down to Austin to punch Lizett in the face, but it turns out she has to go home to Houston for some reason. I don't want to make any undue accusations, but I'm pretty sure she's a drug mule. So anyway, I guess I'll stay here and bachelor it up while Kel is distracted with anatomy, watching football in my boxers and eating uncooked ramen straight from the package.

And I'm sure virtually everyone has seen it now, but please enjoy Notre Dame's improvements to its storied history.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...
Very interesting when I searching blogs, and see your site.

4:06 PM, October 28, 2005  

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Roy I you trace, concerning the face and the neck to beat and will lay detritus to your complete village.

9:29 PM, October 28, 2005  

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I love that Onion article.

2:07 PM, October 31, 2005  

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