Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Little time to post today, I'm afraid. The system is lagging like a three-toed sloth--my whole anthropology major is now justified by that simile--and it's put me way behind. I will say this though--when I walked out of my bedroom yesterday to check how Kel's studying was going, she was so intent on what she was doing she didn't notice me standing there for a full two or three minutes. Wow, I thought. Her first day of med school and already she's working so hard. Then I looked closer, and discovered that she was drawing a vampire.

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Blogger Lizett! said...
I hope Notre Dame got that crazy computer worm that affects banks all over the world and many big companies. Or maybe their software is so old that the virus just doesn't recognize it.

2:18 PM, August 18, 2005  

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