Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Wedding Invites

We still haven't sent them. I know, we're very late. Soon! We have them but we've been in Mexico, and had we sent them from there they would have arrived sometime in August. Right now they're in Houston, but Lizett is heading back there on Friday for one of her many dress fittings, so she'll address them then and they should be out Saturday morning. In the meantime, feel free to book travel and buy us many expensive gifts. The hotel information is in the save the date--you can book online, I think it's linked at our Knot page. Do it by Feb. 8th though or I'm not sure we still get the group rate. Here's the rough itinerary if it helps--

Friday, 8p-11p: Informal Reception at the hotel
Saturday, 6p-12a: Ceremony and Reception at the Allan House
Sunday, 12:45a-12:47a: Sweet love
Sunday, 8a-ish: Brunch at the hotel

Mexico was scary. Did you know their plumbing system cannot handle toilet paper? I didn't. I learned that lovely fact on the flight over when Lizett finally felt it was safe to tell me you're just supposed to throw it in the garbage. And now I can't unlearn it.

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Blogger ndchick1 said...
WHAT!? no more baby beluga? PIRATE MONKEY?! no wonder your invites haven't been sent out yet. you've got small primates flinging poo at one another rather than stuffing envelopes.

bad choice, my friend.

12:15 PM, January 25, 2008  

Blogger Lizett! said...
It is a monkey pirate robot, thank you very much.

12:41 PM, January 25, 2008  

Blogger ndchick1 said...
i was thinking it was his davey jones-esque land know the 10 year rule and everything. bionic pirate monkeys! what will they think of next?!

12:50 PM, January 25, 2008  

Blogger Lizett! said...
Update: The wedding invites went in the mail Saturday. Check youz mail.

7:14 PM, January 28, 2008  

Anonymous Anonymous said...
They miss-spelled "Bjorn" on the invite.

7:33 PM, January 29, 2008  

Blogger Mal said...
True story: since we printed up the Friday night reception cards ourselves, we were going to put "You're gay, you CAH" at the bottom of yours, but then Lizett ended up stuffing the envelopes with her mom so we vetoed it. True to the max.

8:42 PM, January 29, 2008  

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