Saturday, September 29, 2007

My Blog Now

Wah wah wah, my <body part> hurts. I work out now, tee hee hee!

We are awful. I'm so ashamed.

Are the Sonic guys in on the joke? Are they just supposed to be idiots, or are they sort of clever, quirky guys? Why is that chick even with that dude? These are the questions that keep me up at night.

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Blogger Lizett! said...
Whap! That's what I think of your Sonic question.

7:58 PM, September 29, 2007  

Blogger Dan said...
No, the Sonic guys are actually part of a sketch comedy/improv troop out of Chicago. Or at least that's what my friend "Arriving and also tuned into the Chicago sketch comedy/imrpov" Bob tells me. Apparently all the commercials are improved. Or improvised, as the French say.

10:29 PM, September 30, 2007  

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Answer the phone when I drunk dial you - or I shall smite you for your insolence.

9:58 PM, October 01, 2007  

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