Please excuse the vulgar post title, I understand that is what The Kids are calling the criminally insane who shell out for an iPhone these days. That's right, Steve Jobs has successfully manipulated his Reality Distortion Field in such a way as to make me believe that $400 is not only a perfectly reasonable exchange for a phone, but a bargain! $200 price drop? I can't lose! It is pretty glorious. I'm typing this post on it right now! No, I'm not. That would be the bees knees though, I'd be the coolest kid in the office. I do have to say, they don't exaggerate in the commercials. It actually is that quick and slick, and the iPod navigation is so awesome that when the lights go out I often fantasize that Lizett is a giant iPhone. It is also worth noting to the detractors that the keyboard is much easier to use than anticipated and by the end of the day I was able to type a complete transcript of Garfield Chews the Fat in less than 15 seconds! I have also taken to checking my email from bed first thing in the morning instead of walking over to my perfectly good laptop. iPenis indeed.
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10:11 PM, September 13, 2007
8:46 PM, September 18, 2007
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