Thursday, January 25, 2007

Long Weekend

I've been having some weird dreams lately, which is a little unusual, because normally I either don't dream anything interesting or I don't remember it. But in the past three nights:

Dream 1: Lizett has a baby. Let's go ahead and call this one a nightmare. Remarkably, I am not being beaten in a burlap sack somewhere in Texas. Unfortunately, she's still down at school, and I'm taking care of the kid up in SB. And by taking care of, I mean I wake up at 3am, suddenly remember that I have forgotten to purchase a crib or feed the child, and run downstairs to check on little Mal--only to find the front door wide open and a pack of ravenous wolves in the kitchen. Fin.

Dream 2: I'm driving on the highway, going a little fast, and I lose control around a tight curve. I roll out the door and fortunately am still able to control my car with a giant novelty remote control. So I hit the brakes, back the car up, and discover a woman on the grill. Don't worry, she's unharmed, and she has a clipboard. It turns out she jumped on while the car was stopped and intends to sue me.

Dream 3: I'm in an episode of How I Met Your Mother, and Barney is hooking up with a ghost.

Wedding planning is going well. Lizett set us up with a priest, and found someplace to do the pre cana, which I am just looking forward to enormously. We've also settled on a hotel for the reception, so things are moving right along.

I'm flying out to Austin tonight and staying until Monday for a gloriously long weekend of fun and interviews. Really just interview. One interview and one visit to another place in which I am quite interested in the hopes that they will be so wowed by my wit and charm that they will immediately hire me. Then BY GOD Lizett and I are hitting the town. We see each other so infrequently that when I do get down there we barely leave the house--which sounds suggestive but really we're just drinking beer and watching Scrubs--but this time I'm feeling saucy. Watch out Austin, I'm on my way and I'm bringing a suit.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...
Those dreams are awesome...seriously. A glorious return to blogging after a two week break.

11:09 AM, January 25, 2007  

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