Thursday, July 27, 2006

Busy Today

Today was actually astoundingly busy for me at work. I have busy times and slow times, but even the busy times usually afford me long, leisurely opportunities to sit around in the break room with my coworkers discussing just how busy we all are. Haha, kidding of course, I don't socialize with my coworkers. Sometimes I hear them having such conversations though over my cube wall I sit here alone, emailing, chatting on IM and avoiding all direct human contact.

I had this long meeting today with the other web developers from around campus, ostensibly for the purpose of improving service and support, but the only meaningful conclusion we came to was that ND web sites need more bunnies. We're okay for flowers, we decided, but could use more bunnies. Unfortunately that is not one of my weird random made up throw away comments. I made it through about 40 minutes of talking about change control processes and internal service support structures and other random words people like to string together in meetings that don't really mean anything before I started breaking into fits of uncontrollable laughter. At dinner over the weekend, Lizett was telling about this episode of Ed where his friend offered him 10 bucks to go up to a produce manager in a grocery store and ask him where he could find the let-toose, and it changed my life.

It was definitely a had-to-be-there situation. Perhaps it was the way she said it. Perhaps it was the fact that I didn't get it at first--she had to explain to me it was not in fact a nonsense word, but a funny way of saying lettuce. Perhaps it was the fact that it ends in oose. Perhaps it was the concept of actually going up to a produce manager in real life and asking, my good man, where I might find the lettoose. Mostly it was the idea that some writer actually came up with this idea. The point is, I completely and totally flipped out. Minutes upon minutes of violent, uncontrollable laughter. Tears of hilarity. Near the end I wasn't even making any noise, just long silent full body shakes, maniacal grin pasted on my face, the servers are looking at me like I might need an ambulance, I'm slapping the table, trying to grasp at my steak knife that I might stab myself in the lung and get some air flowing. It was by far the hardest I've laughed in recent memory. Yes I know. Had to be there. It's almost as if I shouldn't have tried to relate it at all. I eventually recovered at dinner, but then at random points for the rest of the weekend, maybe once an hour or so, I'd just break out again. I thought I had recovered completely since coming back to the Bend, but then BAM, middle of a meeting, talking about MySQL, I lose it again. Thanks for nothing Tom Cavanagh, first you star in Love Monkey, and now you try to ruin my professional life? Hahaha, lettoose.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...
This actually the first of your posts that I can say with full confidence that I am now dumber for reading that.

3:59 PM, July 27, 2006  

Blogger Mal said...
I award myself zero points, and may God have mercy upon my soul

9:42 PM, July 27, 2006  

Blogger ndchick1 said...
The only thing I can offer is that I saw Tom Cavanaugh last weekend in Nantucket and was actually present for his baby's baptism. Thanks to my friends for pointing him out, because I had no idea why I should know him, having never heard of the TV show Ed.

12:48 PM, July 28, 2006  

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