Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Sweet Beards Part 8

Since I posted yesterday a couple people have notified me of how incredibly awesome it is that Flav's medallion is in fact a miniature Flav which is itself wearing a tiny little giant clock medallion. I don't know how I missed that--perhaps I was distracted by his hideous, hideous face--but that is probably the greatest thing I have EVER seen.

Speaking of awesome--imagine walking into your house after a long drive to find THIS hanging on your refrigerator:

Well I don't have to imagine! I lived it, baby! It is worth noting that my awesome facial hair was actually digitally inserted. That's right, I never really had a Rasputin beard. Strange but true! It is also worth noting that Chin Puffs is probably that worst moniker ever.

I thought I had reached the end of bizarre but awesome graphics, but imagine my surprise when I unpacked upon returning to the Bend to discover this in the bottom of my bag:

Awesome, you say? Indeed...but what makes it really awesome is that the featured pirate is none other than my brother, a man known to many of you only as fatmouse. How awesome is that t-shirt? Surrender the Booty, arrrrrrrrr! In fact, I recommend you download the design and make one yourself. You can find it at in a photo album called, inexplicably, Chuck Norris Beard Rub.

Lizett is coming in tomorrow for the weekend, and in honor of the occasion I'm taking tomorrow afternoon and Friday off. I don't know what we'll be doing yet, but I'm 99% sure it will involve a golf cart and some sort of devious plan doomed to failure. Anyway, the point is I now officially have less than one full day of work remaining in the week, which pretty much has me bursting with happiness. I'm dancing right here in my chair. I wish you could see it. It's beautiful.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...
Damn you for making me look at that picture of Flavor Flav again!

1:23 PM, April 01, 2006  

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