Tuesday, March 28, 2006

First B-Day

I went back to Columbus this weekend for my niece's first birthday. SO CUTE. But I'll get to that...on the drive home, I finally listened to some Dane Cook--Good God, how have I never heard this guy before? All he talks about is wrecking people and punching things in the face!! You are my comedy god.

The party was quite an affair. Balloons, cake, pizza, the whole deal. People were taking their shirts off, smearing cake all over their faces, literally crawling around on the floor, it was nuts.

As promised, please enjoy these face-implodingly adorable pictures of my niece--1 year old! The last spread caused several cuteness related organ failures, so this time around I thought I'd break it up a little with, oh, the most hideous things I can think of. Cleanse the pallet, if you will.

To begin, I bring you the pure unadulterated horror that is...Flava Flav:

And then BAM! My adorable little niece:

Me and Rooster circa 2002:

And SHAZAM! My adorable little niece:

The world's ugliest dog next to a baboon's ass:

BOOYA! My adorable little niece:

And finally, may God have mercy on your souls, I present...Jennifer Coolidge:

And sweet, sweet, blessed relief--my adorable little niece!

That is some cute baby. Stay classy, jerkwads.

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Blogger ndchick1 said...
So in that first picture, your niece is showing a generous amount of decolletage for being 1 year old. imagine what she'll be showing by the time she's wearing a black lace Victoria's Secret special and drinking 40s duct taped to each hand? of course, with those malted liquors impairing her ability to lift up her shirt and undergarments, someone will have to help her out.

my head did a-splode with her cuteness though.

3:18 PM, March 28, 2006  

Anonymous Anonymous said...
You went to Columbus and didn't call me?!? I'll forgive you if you don't let it happen again.

7:17 PM, March 28, 2006  

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Pretty much the cutest baby ever, and I laughed out loud (not to be confused with "LOL'd") when I saw the picture of the world's ugliest dog, which I'm still reasonably sure is actually a rat.

7:50 AM, March 29, 2006  

Blogger Goat said...
Sweet Jebus, that picture of you and Cahk truly is hideous. In retrospect, I'm pretty sure I have several pictures of myself and Cahk dong the exact same thing. That man sure is obsessed with the "mehhhh" face.

My appendix burst upon viewing the pics of your niece. Thankfully you put in those other pics or else a more vital organ might have been damaged. Although, come to think of it, I think I'm sterile after looking at Jennifer Coolidge. Sweet shit, she's homely.

1:00 PM, March 29, 2006  

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