Cha Cha Cha
Home was super sweet--a string of delicious meals with intervening spaces of dog-petting and baby-adoring. Gwen continues to get cuter and she's beginning to smile. I strongly suspect that when she does so she's not actually happy, she's just figured out that a smile is the proper response to get us to stop talking like morons. All the same to me!
I just read an article (the second one, entitled "Why Republicans Are Great" by Some Chump) on Megan's blog that makes my blood boil, and my left arm numb. Also I taste copper. I yearn to argue against what it said and loudly complain about the sheer madness of the reasoning, but I don't think I will. I know so pathetically little about politics that I'd be insane to put my opinions in writing and have my ignorance (thanks to Google caching) permanently preserved on the internet.
I love to argue politics in person though. Considering I have yet to vote and generally have no idea what I'm talking about, I have amazingly strong opinions regarding any politically charged subject. I would argue endlessly with Lunchbox throughout undergrad about all those typical areas where liberals and conservatives clash. I was heavily outclassed, and throughout the years he managed to swing me on enough issues (although I definitely didn't admit it at the time) that there's no way I can legitimately call myself a liberal anymore. Moderate, I guess, with a grudging respect for the conservative viewpoint.
That doesn't stop me from sticking to my nonexistent left-wing guns in a late night multi-beer debate though! Maybe it's just habit, or the parroting of my parents' opinions. Or, maybe I just really like a pointless debate. One time I found myself in the unlikely position of arguing to Lizett, one of the more politically informed and civic minded individuals I know, that there's no reason to bother voting Democrat in Indiana, even as my brain was screaming "Good God man, what the hell are you saying!? Oh well, too late--go with it!" Man, that was totally awesome! Up until she kicked me in the gonads.
What a pointless and rambling entry. My friends, you have been given a window into my soul, and you have seen that it is not that interesting. Out!
I love to argue politics in person though. Considering I have yet to vote and generally have no idea what I'm talking about, I have amazingly strong opinions regarding any politically charged subject. I would argue endlessly with Lunchbox throughout undergrad about all those typical areas where liberals and conservatives clash. I was heavily outclassed, and throughout the years he managed to swing me on enough issues (although I definitely didn't admit it at the time) that there's no way I can legitimately call myself a liberal anymore. Moderate, I guess, with a grudging respect for the conservative viewpoint.
That doesn't stop me from sticking to my nonexistent left-wing guns in a late night multi-beer debate though! Maybe it's just habit, or the parroting of my parents' opinions. Or, maybe I just really like a pointless debate. One time I found myself in the unlikely position of arguing to Lizett, one of the more politically informed and civic minded individuals I know, that there's no reason to bother voting Democrat in Indiana, even as my brain was screaming "Good God man, what the hell are you saying!? Oh well, too late--go with it!" Man, that was totally awesome! Up until she kicked me in the gonads.
What a pointless and rambling entry. My friends, you have been given a window into my soul, and you have seen that it is not that interesting. Out!
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9:03 PM, June 20, 2005
12:41 AM, June 21, 2005
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