Friday, August 15, 2008

My New Toys

Thanks to a glorious combination of double income, no rent, and of course the generosity of my mommy, I have now surrounded myself with an array of technical gadgetry heretofore only dreamed of by the common man. BEHOLD!
  1. Toshiba 42" 1080p Falt Panel LCD HDTV
  2. DirecTV HD DVR
  3. Playstation 3
  4. Wii
  5. Sony Bravia Wireless Surround System
  6. 15" 2.4GHz Core Duo 2 MacBook Pro
I have of course forsaken all social interaction in favor of my new inanimate friends. My impressions:

HDTV - The focal point. She makes it all possible. So good. I love her.

DirectTV - This is a pretty outstanding piece of technology with a terrible UI team. Dudes, just store the entire TV schedule for a given time slot in local memory, it's not like we're talking GBs or even MBs of data. If I'm on channel 305 it should not take 5 seconds to find out what is on channel 306. God help us all if I actually want to change to that channel. Remember in the 80s when you could flip channels instantly? What happened!?

PS3 - Call of Duty 4 is ridiculously outstanding, but mostly I use this as a blu-ray player. This has been good and bad, in that blue ray discs are so amazing that regular DVDs are now somewhat of a disappointment, and watching something in standard definition is about as pleasurable as a genital massage from a hungry raccoon.

Wii - MarioKart has given me endless enjoyment. Even if it wasn't an outstanding game, it would be totally worth it just for WaLuigi, a travesty of a character who is remeniscent of Dr. N. Gin from Crash Team Racing if you were to crank up the insanity by infinity. EEEEEAAAAAARRRAHHHH! WWWAAAAAAAHHHH!! MEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAA!!!

Surround - I love it. Lizett is at best tolerant. My sister, who goes to sleep roughly 30 minutes after her three year old daughter in a bed that shares a wall with my subwoofer, is not a huge fan.

MacBook - The fastest, most sophisticated and expertly engineered piece of equipment I've ever owned, which predictably I use primarily for Thanks mom!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...
Smart life-choices my friend... I myself followed a similar tack - I moved to the ghetto to save money on rent and with the extra income I promptly blew through about $20k in on toys. It's all about priorities... and personal amusement comes above all else.

6:03 PM, August 18, 2008  

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Clearly your next step should be to obtain the new Strong Bad game for the Wii and become super cool yourself...

9:58 AM, August 19, 2008  

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